Data Center Decommissioning Services


A reliable data center is decisive for successful business operations these days; what worked in the past may no longer work for your business – technology changes, data demands increase, and businesses grow. These dynamic business demands may require you to decommission your data center and relocate operations, but decommissioning a data center yourself is an intimidating process.

If you don’t know where to start, begin with a call to Server Buyback. We provide  Data Center Decommissioning, IT Asset Disposition, IT Remarketing, Reverse Logistics, and Data Center Buyback Services that help companies improve their bottom lines while simultaneously reducing technology’s impact on the environment.

Data Center Decommissioning & Asset Recovery

Maintaining multiple data centers is costly – in terms of both time and money. Server Buyback helps you save on these costs by providing expert data center decommissioning and Data Center Buyback Services. Our team has over a century of combined experience, helping businesses manage their data centers for maximum efficiency based on current market conditions and business needs.

Our Services include:

  • Data Center Decommissioning
  • IT Asset Disposition
  • IT Remarketing
  • Reverse Logistics
  • Data Center Buyback

Make the Most Out of your Old Data Center

Data centers are extremely complex to manage and data center Buyback or Data Center Decommissioning is no less complex. Decisions must be made about what to do with the equipment. Reuse it? Sell it? Dispose of it? How and where do you do this?

This is where Server Buyback can help. We simplify data center decommissioning by managing the entire process for you. Our in-house experts can assess, value, deconstruct, disassemble, transport, dispose of, recycle, restore, sell, and relocate all data center equipment. Through it all, you maintain a single point of contact with one person at Server Buyback. There is no need to try and coordinate your data center deconstruction with multiple vendors.

Our service technicians have experience in data center decommissioning, providing full service and support at every stage of the data center life cycle.

Responsible Disposal of Data Center Assets

Just because your Data Center equipment no longer works for you doesn’t mean it has no value. There is a market for used data center equipment. Server Buyback works with buyers and sellers to reuse data center equipment as much as possible. That puts money back in your pocket that can then be used to contain costs.