Choose IT Recycling Services to Manage your E-Waste

Choose IT Recycling Services to Manage your E-Waste

E-waste refers to all electronic waste including computers, TVs, mobile phones, refrigerators, etc. We just cannot always think about throwing these in the bins. We must rather know how to safely get away with your electronics, especially computers, servers, tablets, storage devices, laptops, phones, and any other e-waste that is capable of storing our personal data. We must use appropriate disposal techniques as these contain your personal data like passwords, bank account details, personal photos, etc.  and must try to make conscious efforts to manage and control our e waste.

Here are some ideas you can go for to manage your e-waste

Buy or Consume Less

Purchasing the things we purely do not need is doubtless the major cause of e-waste. We must really put a full stop and question ourselves if we really require a gadget or an electronic item before making any buying decision. 

Thus, we need to be a sensible consumer or buyer in order to manage our ewaste.

Organize Your Things

We usually have the tendency to stash away things in drawers and cupboards and then forget what things we have in our house. When we do not find what we are looking for, we just end up buying it again. So, if we fail to put our gadgets, connectors, storage devices, computers and DVDs in order, we won’t ever know what all we have.

 Thus, we must be organized enough to be familiar with what we have and to prevent buying the duplicates.

Give Away or Donate your E-Waste

If we feel that we no longer need a thing, donate it so that someone else can use it. Visit the websites like Craigslist or eBay and sell the items like used server, IT equipment, network storage devices etc. that you do not require anymore and are in good working conditions.                                                             If the things are not worth donating, try to give the stuff away on the recycling websites and comparison websites to be recycled effectively.

Take them Back to the Store

There are stores that provide a buy-back program. These have online and drop-off site recycling options where they recycle computers, hard drives, mobile phones, and TVs. So, we can ask for a trade-in option, where we can get away with our old equipment in exchange for some gift cards.


Craigslist and eBay are great platforms to sell the electronic items and are into IT remarketing services.  We can opt for selling our electronic items when we don’t need them. The electronics drop value quickly when better models are launched into the market. Craigslist is a good option for heavy or lower value stuff as it does not involve any shipping. So, we can sell our used networking inventory like switches and routers, data center equipment, servers and other IT hardware on these websites.

Learn about Local Recycling Options

To support e-waste management, we can make efforts to give all our electronics that can’t be donated or resold to free websites. Regardless of our place, we can try out the options to recycle locally and tell your family and community about the IT recycling services.

Live in the Cloud

There’s actually no need to purchase a large server or heavy-duty machines either for your work or personal storage. Go for Dropbox or Amazon’s AWS cloud. These are wonderful backing up platforms that synchronize our files as well across several devices without any investment.

Edify Yourself and be a Little Afraid

We must investigate about the raw materials that are used in the manufacturing of our mobile phones, or computers and laptops. Some raw materials are simple to recycle while others are not. Most of the electronic gadgets contain toxic materials so it is essential to dispose them off the right way. So, we must make ourselves aware of such things and buy things that do not harm our environment.


Coping up with e-waste is an essential aspect. Disposal and recycling must be the last options when the equipment can usually be repurposed in some company that offers IT recycling services or it can be sold or donated with some financial benefit. We must try to look for some reliable service provider ensuring the environmental responsibility. So, it’s better to avail the IT remarketing services to get rid of our e-waste.